
Some information should you have any complaints

Customer feedback is extremely important to us, good or bad this will help us deliver the very best service to all our customers.

Moonstone rentals is a company dedicated to giving the very best of service, but unfortunately there may be times when we do not quite get things right, therefore we want to make it as easy for you as possible to get any issues resolved.

We have several ways in which you can report your complaint:

Firstly, contact our Customer Service team who will do everything in their power to help resolve your issue.

Contact us


Call Us

0333 772 7204​


Moonstone Rentals Limited
PO BOX 239, Stamford
Lincolnshire, PE9 4WX

Contact Form

Please provide us with the following details to ensure a speedy response.

  1. Full Name
  2. Full Address
  3. Contact telephone number
  4. Account number (if known)
  5. A brief outline of your complaint

Once in receipt of your complaint we will send you an acknowledgement which will give you full details of the process and the timeframe.

You can be assured we will investigate all complaints thoroughly and once we have our findings we will contact you via email or letter outlining our conclusions.

Should you be unhappy with our decision or if we have taken more than 8 weeks to resolve your situation then you have the right to put your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

  1. Telephone 0800 234 567
  2. Email
  3. Write to Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR
  4. Website
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